A, a - Sounds like the a in ant eg ama -Town. Akidi - Beans, Asan - Crayfish
B, b - Sounds like the b in Boy eg bima - Top up , bin - full, binya- not full
B, b - Sound not in English eg bara -hand, bere - Trouble, bibi-mouth, baku- knock.
D, d - Sounds like the d in dog eg dogi - carry, dede - fried plantain, dibo - Husband, dein - peace
D, d - Sound not in English eg deri - Laugh, derima - don't laugh
E, e - Sound like the ay in day eg eneme - palm karnel,
E, e - Sound like the e in egg eg eri - you, efirefe -
F, f - Sound like f in fish eg fa - Lost, faa - loose, feru - breeze
G, g - Sound like the g in go eg gaga -tight, goli -insult, cheek
Gb gb - Sound not in English gbana -place something, gbon - peck, bite(snake)
I, i - Sound like the ee in feed eg iin - yes, ine-daa -unbearable, ine-a -could not
I, i - Sound like i in in eg ino -sore, inyon - strenght, power. inyon-fa - hypertension
J, j - Sound like j in joy eg jen -next, ja-saki -sometime. ja -some
K, k - Sound like k in King eg kee -sign, write. ke-bo -bring, kiko-scrotum
KP, kp - Sound not in English eg kpain - safe, kpeki - approach/close/near
L, l - Sound like l in Love
M,m - Sound like the m in man eg main - two, manya - catarrh, meme -gentle/mild/warm
N,n - Sound like n in Nose eg naa -hear, nama -animal, nambulo - Cattle/cow
O, o - Sound like the o in Old eg onu- fence/wall, odu -trumpet, obiri - dog
O, o - Sound like the o in hot eg olo -cough, oboko - chicken/ fowl. ofin -sweep, odu-stew
P, p - Sound like the p in pan eg poo -castrate, pele - cut, piki- denial
R, r - Sound like r in rat eg re-instead
S, s - Sound like the s in Soap eg so - go, soku- dig, sime - stay
T, t - Sound like the t in top eg teme - mind, toru - face
U, u - Sound like the u in full eg oju - body
U, u - Sound like the u in up eg fulo - soup,
V, v - Sound like the v in Van eg vala - sail, vroro kapa - garment
W, w - Sound like w in we eg wa -us, wolo - insult, wadodge - penguin
Y, y - Sound like the y in you eg yau - quiet, ye-kienye - calculator, ye-la -expensive
Z - zo-zoo - to fool around
There is no C, Q, X in Kalabari
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